Citywide Festival of Learning 2024

The Citywide Festival of Learning is an immersive annual professional development event that brings together early educators to share innovative teaching practices through interactive presentations and posters. The festivities will commence with a light dinner and networking, followed by a keynote speech from the SF Department of Early Childhood. Then, we will break out into language-specific presentations and question-and-answer sessions with the presenters.

Thursday, May 30th — 6:00-8:30 pm

Milton Marks Conference Center

455 Golden Gate Ave

San Francisco, CA 94102



Presentations of educator, student, and leadership learning from preschools around San Francisco will be shared in Cantonese, English, Mandarin and Spanish.

Poster Gallery

Physical posters from San Francisco early childhood educators will be on display documenting learning, growth and reflections as they work with children and families. Posters will be in Cantonese, English, Mandarin and Spanish.